
Protecting Your Ventura Home from Wildfire

Jun 06, 2019


Protecting Your Ventura Home from Wildfire

Try out these suggestions to shield your home from wildfire.

Homeowners in California know that the risk of a major wildfire is ever-constant.  This is why it's so important to be prepared for this threat.  While having the right homeowners insurance in Ventura, California is a great way to secure fire protection, there are other steps that you can take to protect your property.  Here are some of the suggestions that you should try to protect your home from wildfire damage. 1) Create Defensible Space- Use non-flammable materials such as brick, gravel, or concrete to build a 5-ft barrier around the perimeter of your home.  Additionally, remove all shrubs, trees, and other flammable materials within a 30-foot radius of your home.  This will prevent flames from getting too close to your home. 2) Reduce the Risk of Your Home's Siding Catching Fire- Maintain 6-inches of space between your home's siding and the ground to reduce the risk of flames from reaching your siding.  Additionally, consider using non-flammable materials to build your home's siding. 3) Protect Your Roof- Throughout wildfire season, make sure that you clear twigs, dried leaves, and other debris off your home's roof.  This will ensure that these flammable materials do not ignite after contact with wind-blown embers.  Additionally, consider replacing your home's roof with one made of tile or metal to further reduce the chances of your roof catching fire. 4) Replace Your Fences and Gates- If the fences on your property are made of wood or other flammable materials, then consider replacing them with metal versions to prevent them from fueling fires on your property. 5) Cover Home Vents- To prevent embers from getting inside your home, make sure you cover your home's external vents with 1/8-inch thick mesh screens. Try out these suggestions to protect your Ventura home from wildfire this summer.  Remember, having the right homeowners insurance in Ventura, California is another great way to protect your property and loved ones.  For assistance with your home coverage, contact the experts at John E. Peakes Insurance Agency.  We are ready to assist you with all your insurance needs today.