
Protecting Your Home from Wildfires in Lancaster

Dec 05, 2019

Ca Homeowners Insurance

Protecting Your Home from Wildfires in Lancaster

What you can do to reduce your home's wildfire risk.

If you own a home in California, then you know that wildfire damage is a very real threat.  While having the right homeowners insurance in Lancaster, California, is one way to protect your home, there are other steps that you can take as well.  Here's how you can protect your home from wildfires.
  • Create Defensible Space
One way to reduce your wildfire risk is by creating an area around your home devoid of flammable materials.  This will slow down an approaching wildfire and can prevent it from reaching your home.  If you live in California, then you need to create a defensible space of at least 100 feet around your home.  To create defensible space, remove all flammable items, including vegetation, firewood, fuel tanks, fencing, debris, and so on.
  • Protect Your Home with Non-Flammable Materials
Another way to reduce your risk for fire damage is by retrofitting your home with non-flammable materials.  For instance, you should consider replacing your roof with metal, tile, or other non-combustible materials.  If your home has wooden exteriors, then treat the wood so make it less susceptible to fire.  You should also install fire screens to all your home's outdoor vents and install a spark arrester in your chimney to prevent embers from getting inside your home and starting a fire.
  • Make a Plan
You cannot completely eliminate your risk for wildfire.  This is why it's important that you and your family have a plan just in case you need to evacuate.  Your plan should identify escape routes from your home and neighborhood and should also designate a meeting spot if you get separated during the evacuation.  To prepare for a fire, you should also have an emergency kit that contains first aid supplies, a battery-operated radio, basic tools, important documents, and other essentials. These are some of the things that Lancaster homeowners should do to address their wildfire risk.  Remember, having the right homeowners insurance in Lancaster, California, is another way to protect your property.  For assistance with all your home coverage needs, contact the experts at John E. Peakes Insurance Agency today.