
Insurance on a Financed Car: What You Should Know

Jun 19, 2024

Auto Insurance

Insurance on a Financed Car: What You Should Know

Whether it's a sleek sedan or a spacious SUV, a financed car represents a significant investment. But before you hit the road, it's crucial to understand how financing impacts your car insurance. Let's find answers to the essential questions surrounding car insurance for financed vehicles.

Does Financing a Car Affect Your Car Insurance?

When you finance a car through a loan or lease, the lender has a financial stake in the vehicle until it's paid off. Lenders typically require borrowers to carry comprehensive car insurance to protect their investments.

What Type of Auto Insurance Is Needed When You Have a Lien or Loan on Your Car?

Comprehensive coverage goes beyond basic liability insurance, which is typically mandated by law. Here's a breakdown of the key components:

  • Collision Coverage: This covers repairs or replacement of your car if it's damaged in a collision with another vehicle or object.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: This protects your car from events beyond collisions, such as theft, vandalism, fire, weather damage, and animal collisions.

Do I Need Full Coverage for a Financed Car?

While lenders mandate comprehensive coverage, you can choose the specific level of coverage within those parameters. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Age and Value of Your Car: Full coverage might be the most prudent choice for a brand-new car with a high value. However, as the car ages and depreciates, you might consider switching to liability-only coverage to save on premiums.
  • Your Loan Terms: Some lenders might have specific coverage requirements outlined in your loan agreement. Always review your loan documents to understand any mandatory coverage stipulations.

Ways to Save When Financing a Car

While comprehensive coverage is typically required for financed cars, there are still ways to save on your car insurance premiums, including:

  • Maintain a Good Driving Record: A clean driving history with no accidents or violations can significantly reduce your insurance costs.
  • Increase Your Deductible: A deductible is the amount you pay out-of-pocket before your insurance kicks in. By increasing your deductible, you can lower your monthly premiums. However, ensure you have enough savings to cover a higher deductible comfortably in case of an accident.
  • Consider Usage-Based Insurance: Telematics programs offered by some insurers track your driving habits and reward safe drivers with lower premiums.
  • Bundle Your Policies: Bundling your car insurance with other policies, like homeowner's or renter's insurance, with the same company can often lead to discounts.

Get Tailored Coverage for Auto Insurance on a Financed Car with John E. Peakes Insurance Agency 

Financing a car is an exciting step, but navigating car insurance requirements can be overwhelming. John E. Peakes Insurance Agency is here to guide you through the process. Don't drive into the unknown! Contact us today for a free consultation and ensure you have the right car insurance coverage for your financed vehicle. With the proper protection in place, you can enjoy the financial relief that comes with knowing your car and investment are safeguarded on the road ahead. Call us at 1800-800-5199 to get started.